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Drop-off and Pick-up:
We ask that parents continue to ‘Park and Go’ their child/ren at the parking lot. This is working well for most part and we request that you continue with this practice. This helps
us ensure that students and staff are safe. We will also continue to have cones in the front and at the back of the building to prevent crowding during drop-off and pick-up times.



  • Morning supervision for all students starts at 8:15 am. Please do not bring children to school earlier than 8:15 a.m. Children who arrive at school on the bus have separate supervision. Thank you for your help with important student safety issue.
  • Afternoon supervision – If you are going to be late picking up your child, please inform school staff and we will keep your child safe.
  • On rainy mornings students are welcome to come inside. All portable students will head to the gym through the back-gym door, and all other students will head to their classes by their entry doors


  • Thank you for being mindful of the parking crunch we face daily
  • ‘Drop and Go’ is working well in the lower parking lot
  • We are grateful to Colwood City Hall for allowing parents access to their parking spaces; please remember to park in designated areas only
  • Thank you for help in keeping our students safe!
  • Please stay behind the coned off areas during drop-off and pick up times

It is School Board Policy that animals are not allowed to be on School District property. The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure the greatest possible level of safety for students and staff with regard to animals on School District property and in school buildings. This general prohibition includes domestic dogs, cats, birds, and other pets, and especially applies to potentially dangerous exotic animals.

Some exceptions may be allowed, only with the prior approval of the Principal, and could include:
– Vision, hearing and service dogs.
– Police dogs under the control of a police officer.
– Pets for show-and-tell.
– Small pets kept in classrooms under the supervision and care of a teacher.
– A demonstration at a school assembly.

Prior to allowing animals in schools or classrooms, steps are to be taken to ensure that students and employees are not allergic to the presence of these animals, that the animals will present no physical danger to students or employees, and that the animals are free from any disease or parasites. Prior to introducing any animals into classrooms and using animals as part of the educational program, teachers shall make all efforts to ensure that students receive instruction in the proper care and handling of animals. Owners of animals will be responsible for the safe and sanitary removal of their pet’s excrement from buildings and grounds.


Before contacting the school regarding password re-sets please try this link –  MyEd BC Parent Portal Temp Password Lookup Tool 

The parent portal is now open.  Any parents unable to log in – please try to re-set your password.  If you are unable to re-set your password without assistance please email the school (nolsten@sd62.bc.ca) to inform us.  Once your passwords/usernames have been set up for you you will receive an email.

“MyEdBC” is a secured online portal used by most school districts in BC. Security is guided by BC’s School Act and FoIPPA. In the Family Portal, parents can:

  • Check attendance
  • Ensure contact information is up to date
  • See assessments/grade information/transcripts
  • View report cards and summary of progress reports (not in elementary schools at this time)

How to log in and access MyEducationBC: – use this link https://myeducation.gov.bc.ca/aspen/logon.do

  • For our initial log in you must use a laptop or desktop computer. After the initial log in, you can use your phone or other devices.
  • Make sure pop‐ups are enabled for your browser
  • Please follow the instructions on the attached document  to login and change your password-  SD#62 – MyEdBC Family Portal Instructional Manual

All schools in the Sooke School District now have a school app that can be downloaded to your phones.  Any information sent out to the parent population and noted on our website are pushed through to our school app.  To keep yourself up to date when you don’t have access to your email or the school website please download from your app store.


untitledImportant reminder to please inform the school of any medical issues and/or allergies.  We strive to provide a safe, healthy environment.


untitledIf your student will be absent from school please call the office at 250-478-9528 or email Nikkie in the front office (nolsten@sd62.bc.ca) to notify of their absence.